Laura's Blog

Greek Fire: Stand With Greece on Referendum Day


Laura Shannon
Folk Dance – Sacred Dance – Circle Dance – Women's Ritual Dances
Greek Fire: Stand With Greece on Referendum Day

Today's recommended article:
9 myths about the Greek crisis
Sunday, 5 July, 2015

Dear friends of Greece, of democracy and of peace,

We are all waiting to learn the outcome of today's referendum. While we wait, may I invite you to sign this Avaaz petition and stand with Greece on this historic day? It is in German, so I have translated the essential information for you below.

Thank you for your support. And please, if you can, light a candle or dance a Greek dance in solidarity today.

With love and blessings from the cradle of democracy,


This week Greece could be forced to accept oppressive austerity measures or else be ejected from the Euro, with chaotic consequences. However, we can still claim our power to stand strong for social democracy and divert German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the other politicians from the path of austerity, so that the Greek economy can recover. Public opinion is important to the German Chancellor. Therefore let us gather our voices from all over Europe to affirm that people, not banks, must have priority, and to publicise our call in the press. Join us now by signing below where it says 'Unterzeichnen'.

Two facts we must not allow to be forgotten in the discussions: 1, the public spending cuts in Greece have hit the weakest members of society the harder. Four out of ten children live in poverty, infant mortality has risen by 43% and youth unemployment is over 50%. And 2, it was all for nothing. The debt problem has gotten worse, not better. More of Merkel's austerity policies will certainly lead to even greater suffering and even more debt.

Nevertheless, Merkel and the creditors want this irresponsible austerity policy to continue. 

However, Angela Merkel does listen to the voice of the people and can be willing to change course in decisive moments if the public demand. After the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe and large protests against nuclear energy, Merkel decided to phase out nuclear power plants in Germany in response to those events.

It's true that political corruption, mismanagement and irresponsible lending practices helped lead to the Greek economic collapse. yet, over 90% of the 'bailout' fund went straight to the foreign banks which had lent money to Greece before the crisis. Greece obeyed the austerity measures and privatised, deregulated, cut pensions and salaries and raised taxes as the troika demanded. However, as many experts predicted, the debt problem was not relieved by any of these measures. Instead, the poorest were made to suffer disproportionately, as the wealthy Greeks had already moved their money out of the country.

This bitter deadlock did not have to lead to the popular vote now confronting the people with a difficult choice. Many economists and important decisionmakers are united in the opinion that a debt conference with the aim of restructuring and reduction of the Greek debt offers the only possibility for the Greek economy to catch its breath and recover enough to pay back the rest of the debt within a sustainable time frame.

Now we have a small window of time in which to show Merkel and the other politicians that the world is united in supporting a clear 'NO" to these failed austerity measures. Please join us now to 
bring about a decisive change in policy, so that humans and not banks have priority in society. 

Sign now at:

With love and blessings from the cradle of democracy,



Diese Woche könnte Griechenland gezwungen werden, erdrückende Sparmaßnahmen zu akzeptieren oder aus dem Euro auszutreten - mit chaotischen Folgen. Doch wir können uns jetzt für eine soziale Demokratie starkmachen und Merkel und andere Politiker von ihrem Sparkurs abbringen, damit sich Griechenlands Wirtschaft erholen kann. Der Kanzlerin ist die öffentliche Meinung wichtig. Fordern wir mit Stimmen aus ganz Europa, dass Menschen und nicht Banken an erster Stelle stehen, und verbreiten wir unseren Aufruf in der Presse. Machen Sie jetzt mit:
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde in Europa,

diese Woche könnte Griechenland zu erdrückenden und erfolglosen Sparmaßnahmen gezwungen oder zum Austritt aus dem Euro gebracht werden. Europa würde so im Chaos versinken. Doch wenn wir uns Hand in Hand für eine soziale Demokratie starkmachen, könnten wir in dieser Krise gerade noch die Kurve kriegen!

Fest steht, dass wir bei der ganzen Debatte zwei Fakten nicht aus den Augen verlieren dürfen: 1. haben die Kürzungen der öffentlichen Ausgaben in Griechenland die schwächsten Bevölkerungsgruppen am härtesten getroffen. Vier von zehn Kindern leben in Armut, die Säuglingssterblichkeit ist um 43% gestiegen und die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit liegt bei fast 50%. Und 2. war alles umsonst. Das Schuldenproblem ist nicht besser, sondern nur noch schlimmer geworden. Mehr von Merkels Sparpolitik wird also wohl auch mehr Leid und mehr Schulden bedeuten.

Dennoch wollen Merkel und die Kreditgeber diese unverantwortliche Sparpolitik fortführen. Das sei im Sinne der Öffentlichkeit, behaupten sie.

Diese Woche hat Premierminister Tsipras zu mutigen demokratischen Mitteln gegriffen und sein Land aufgefordert, „Nein“ zu sagen. 70 Prozent der griechischen Avaaz-Mitglieder sagen, sie werden das tun. Wenn wir ihnen zahlreich zur Seite stehen, können wir unseren Politikern zeigen, dass die Öffentlichkeit kein Leid mehr sehen will und stattdessen den Schuldenabbau fordert. Machen Sie jetzt mit — wenn wir genügend Stimmen erreichen, verbreitet Avaaz unseren Aufruf in der Presse.

Angela Merkel hört auf die Stimmen der Bevölkerung und ist in entscheidenden Momenten zu einem Kurswechsel bereit. Nach der Katastrophe von Fukushima und großen Protesten gegen Atomkraft in Deutschland beschloss sie damals, Deutschlands Atommeiler abzuschalten.

Und ja, politische Korruption, Misswirtschaft und unverantwortliche Kreditaufnahmen haben zum Kollaps der griechischen Wirtschaft beigetragen. Doch während 90% der Rettungsfonds in ausländische Banken geflossen sind, die Griechenland vor der Krise Geld geliehen hatten, haben die Griechen Sparmaßnahmen befolgt, privatisiert, dereguliert, Renten und Gehälter gekürzt und die Steuern erhöht. Doch wie von vielen vorhergesagt, wurde das Schuldenproblem dadurch nicht behoben. Es sind die Ärmsten, die leiden, denn reiche Griechen haben viele ihrer Gelder bereits abgezogen.

Diese bittere Pattsituation muss nicht zu einem Volksentscheid führen, der die Menschen vor eine schwere Wahl stellt. Viele Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und wichtige Entscheidungsträger sind sich einig: Eine Schuldenkonferenz zur Restrukturierung und Senkung der griechischen Schulden würde der Wirtschaft die nötige Atempause verschaffen, um sich zu erholen und die restlichen Schulden mit der Zeit abzubezahlen.

Diese Woche haben wir ein kleines Zeitfenster, um Merkel und anderen wichtigen Politikern zu zeigen, dass die Welt ein klares „Nein“ zu diesen gescheiterten Maßnahmen unterstützt. Machen Sie jetzt mit — geben wir den Anstoß für ausschlaggebende Veränderungen, damit Menschen und nicht Banken an erster Stelle stehen:
Eine Krise in eine Chance verwandeln — das kann eine Gemeinschaft mit unserer Kraft und Größe am besten. Die derzeitige Krise könnte zu einem historischen Desaster werden. Doch wenn genug von uns mitmachen, könnten wir Merkel von einem Kurswechsel überzeugen und zeigen, wie eine europäische soziale Demokratie in Aktion aussieht. Heute liegt es an allen von uns, ein humanes Wirtschaftssystem zu fordern, bei dem der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht. Damit können wir jetzt in Griechenland anfangen.

Voller Hoffnung,

Alice, Ricken, Spyro, Alex, Marigona, Mike und das ganze Avaaz-Team.


Top-Ökonomen fordern Ende des Spardiktats für Athen (Die Welt)

Habermas: Warum Merkels Griechenland-Politik ein Fehler ist (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

Als die Griechen den Deutschen halfen (Tagesspiegel)

Folgen der Sparpolitik: Säuglingssterblichkeit in Griechenland steigt um 43 Prozent (Spiegel Online)

Und auf Englisch: Articles in English

Wirtschaftsplan der Kreditgeber für Griechenland ist zum Scheitern verurteilt (The Guardian)

Europas "Kaiserin" schweigt (Politico)

Kinderarmut nimmt seit 2008 in der Hälfte der Industrieländer zu (The Guardian)
Laura adds: see also
Scare-mongering Greeks to Vote “Yes” on Sunday. The Threat of Bail-in “Haircuts” on Bank Deposits, by Stephen Lendman
Larry Elliot in the Guardian tells why the creditors' plan for Greece will only make the severe economic problems worse:
Michael Rozworski explains that 'It’s not just any austerity Europe wants, but a vicious right-wing austerity that hits at the vulnerable.'
The Greek crisis has led Brussels into the business of regime change

Copyright © 2015 Laura Shannon. All rights reserved.
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Greek Fire: The Referendum

Laura Shannon
Folk Dance – Sacred Dance – Circle Dance – Women's Ritual Dances

Greek Fire

Today's recommended article:
9 myths about the Greek crisis

Saturday, 4 July, 2015

Dear friends of Greece,

Thanks for your many positive comments in response to my recent emails. The picture of worldwide solidarity you create together is a heartening one. It is amazing to know that so many people are dancing, praying and lighting candles for peace, democracy, and social justice in Greece and in Europe. 

Thursday's Global Meditation & Prayer for Greece, for example: we happened to be playing a concert at the time, so we invited the audience to participate with us in a musical meditation.  All the Greeks were deeply moved by the idea that people all over the world were meditating for a positive outcome for them and for their country, while the non-Greeks were glad to have a meaningful way to feel connected and to show their support. It was a truly beautiful moment.

I believe in the power of prayer and positive thought. Sometimes it's all that helps, when human efforts appear to be at a standstill. 
So may I ask you to please continue to dance, to light candles, and to keep Greece in your prayers over the next few days? Your support in spirit will be valuable to people facing a difficult choice.

As you know, Greece will vote tomorrow in a referendum on whether to accept their creditors' most recent proposal, an indefinite extension of the same austerity policies which have already caused untold harm. Hardest hit have been society's poorest and weakest elements - those who are not responsible for the country's economic problems – while the IMF itself admits that even if Greece obeys every single dictate of the programme, the actual debt can never be repaid.

Years of austerity have led the country to the brink of economic, social, political and cultural collapse, yet has done nothing to improve the country’s finances. Indeed, the Greek financial situation is worse off than before. Clearly, austerity is not working, yet it remains the only option Greece's creditors –  the IMF, EU and ECB – are willing to offer. 

Most Greeks see the obvious: that is is impossible to accept the additional austerity demanded by the troika of creditors. Therefore most people here are planning to vote 'No' in tomorrow's referendum.

Discussion of the referendum has been made more volatile by media suggestions that 'the language is unclear' and 'people don't even know what they are voting for'. I am right here in Athens and I can tell you that people understand perfectly well the difference between Yes and No. The referendum is a vote for or against the creditors' latest austerity programme. It has nothing to do with staying in Europe or the euro, which are completely separate questions.

Or so they should be.

If Europe is still a democracy, then it should support Greeks' right to vote on an austerity package which will have such an immense effect on every aspect on their lives and society for generations to come.

However, as James Galbraith reports, 'As soon as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced the referendum, François Hollande, David Cameron, Matteo Renzi, and the German Deputy Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told the Greeks that a No vote would amount to Greece leaving the euro. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, went further: he said “No” means leaving the European Union. In fact the Greek government has stated many times that — Yes or No — it is irrevocably committed to the Union and the euro. And legally, according to the treaties, Greece cannot be expelled from either.'

Where is the democracy in that? 

The creditors' efforts to sabotage or prevent the referendum, to interfere with the basic right to self-determination, and to threaten Greece's expulsion from the common currency and/or the European Union if its people dare to vote 'No', are shameful and scandalous. Juncker has further threatened that 'even a 'Yes' vote will not necessarily lead to a better deal', leaving Greece with no hope of escape from hardship for generations.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Daily Telegraph writes: 
'The spectacle is astonishing. The European Central Bank, the EMU bail-out fund, and the International Monetary Fund, among others, are lashing out in fury against an elected government that refuses to do what it is told. They entirely duck their own responsibility for five years of policy blunders that have led to this impasse…. The creditor power structure has lost its way. The IMF is in confusion. It is enforcing a contractionary austerity policy in Greece – with no debt relief, exchange cushion, or offsetting investment - that has been discredited by its own elite research department as scientifically unsound.'

My dear friend Nina in Bulgaria wrote me this message yesterday:
"I'm sure Greek people will survive, because they have politicians, who think of the ordinary people and have a dignity! Our politicians think only of themselves, they do and did everything that the European Union said to do, and the result is that we are now the poorest people in Europe. Here, in Bulgaria, the minimum salary is 180 euro, and some pensioners, who worked through the whole of their life, receive even less than that. And some prices are higher than in Germany and in Greece, but leaders from the E.U. don`t say to our politicians to give to the people bigger salaries. I really can`t understand this crazy situation. Many people run away, there were many protests against the politicians, but nothing changed!"

If Greece does vote 'Yes' tomorrow and agrees to continue following the prescriptions of austerity, we have only to look across the northern border to see what lies in store. 

The creditors are doing their best to ensure that Greece has only two choices: to accept eternal austerity and its regime of ever-increasing of debt and punishment with no hope of salvation, or be thrown out of Europe and the euro, a scenario likely to bring about even worse suffering and chaos. As I heard one older person say in central Athens yesterday, 'Europe gives us the choice, to eat sh*t or starve.'

Could there not be a third way?

Whatever the outcome of tomorrow's referendum, I think we need to find a new path forward.  It's in everyone's interest to help find an alternative: one that upholds basic principles of democracy, self-determination, and human rights for all concerned. I invite you to please offer your thoughts and prayers in the manifestation of a new solution.

With love and blessings from the cradle of democracy,


Further reading:
Larry Elliot in the Guardian tells why the creditors' plan for Greece will only make the severe economic problems worse:

while Michael Rozworski explains that 'It’s not just any austerity Europe wants, but a vicious right-wing austerity that hits at the vulnerable.'

See also: The Greek crisis has led Brussels into the business of regime change,

Today's recommended article: 9 myths about the Greek crisis




The Greek Crisis: Laura's updated blog post on FAR

Dear dancing friends,
Things are happening very quickly here in Greece. 
In a recent post on my blog Greek Fire (updated today on FAR with links to breaking news) I predicted that the point of combustion in the negotiations would be over pensions. It's a simple clash of cultures. In Greek society, elders are respected and elder care is a sacred obligation.
Pensions in Greece have already been brutally slashed by 48% overall, and two-thirds of pensioners are below or at the poverty line;  if pensioners’ income is reduced further, people fear they will be unable to support their parents and grandparents. And such a sacred duty, for Greeks, is non-negotiable.

By insisting on further drastic pension cuts, therefore, the lenders have put Greece in an impossible position (knowingly and deliberately, according to Paul Krugman and other commentators - see links below). The only other option the European side will allow is for Greece to default on their loans and exit the euro – totally absurd, given that there are so many other possible sources apart from pensions for the money for the loan repayments, many of which were proposed by the Greek side but rejected by the troika.
You can read the updated version of my article 'The Greek Crisis: Grandparents on the Table?' today on and you are welcome to leave your comments:
If you consider yourself to be a lover of Greece, Greek music and dance, or the democratic principles on which Europe was founded, I invite you to light a candle: for Greece, for democracy, and for a society of social justice and peace. When human efforts appear to have reached their limits, it is time to ask for help from the realm of spirit. I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe that your efforts will help now, when help is needed.

I invite you to also read these key articles and draw your own conclusions:

For Greece’s international creditors, regime change is the ultimate goal (Daily Telegraph)

Europe’s Attack on Greek Democracy (Joseph Stiglitz)–stiglitz-2015-06

Grisis (Paul Krugman)

Where did the Greek bailout money go? (Guardian)

With love and blessings from the cradle of democracy,

Tonight, Thursday, 2 July: Global Meditation & Prayer for Greece


Laura Shannon
Folk Dance – Sacred Dance – Circle Dance – Women's Ritual Dances
Tonight, Thursday, 2 July:
Global Meditation & Prayer for Greece


July 2, 2015


Dear Sacred Dance friends,

At 11 pm Greek time tonight,
(10pm CET, 9 pm GMT, 4pm EST, 1pm PST)
you are welcome to join a

Global Meditation & Prayer for Greece

Full information below.

I will be lighting a candle tonight and I hope to feel your presence then too. 

As you know, I believe in the power of prayer; when human efforts appear to have reached their limits, it is time to ask for help from the realm of spirit. I believe that your efforts will help now, when help is needed.
 Thank you for joining us. 

With love and blessings from the cradle of democracy,


This is how the organisers describe tonight's event:

"Greece is going through a deep economic crisis, fear and uncertainty, and Greeks need, more than anything else, our loving energy and healing prayers.

"A Global Synchronized Meditation & Prayer for Greece is organized by Link∞Media for Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11pm Athens
(9pm CET – 4pm EST – 1pm PST), with the help and support of and other international organizations.

"Visit FB event page at:

"This is a moment of opportunity for all of humanity to connect for the greater well-being of all of Life on the Planet.

“Let’s generously open up our hearts and start feeling Unconditional Love, Joy, Abundance, Oneness. Let’s experience how Life would feel in Greece, Europe and the whole Planet… our Mother Earth, when it is filled with laughter, joy, security, health, food and housing for everyone… when we remember that co-operation, symbiosis, friendship, brotherhood, justice, abundance, love, peace, balance and harmony with our Selves, our Fellow Humans and all the Inhabitants of our beautiful Planet is our Natural State of Being.

"How would it feel if politicians in Greece, Europe and globally, were real friends, speaking and acting in Truth, real Leaders inspiring everybody to become a Leader!

"Let’s stay in that state as long as each one of us needs to feel and experience the elevated emotions of our consciousness.

"Then, let’s give our thanks to the Universe and our Higher Self – the One and the Same that unify us all – in gratitude of what we just lived energetically soon to become matter. And so be it!

"Whoever wants can close the meditation by synchronizing his/her heart with the Divine Plan of Human Awakening currently in progress…
Times are calling for unity and cooperation and All of us are needed.

"Let’s put our knowledge into action in order to feel our own Greatness and experience our maximum potential, as we link with each other to create a new story TOGETHER!!

Connect, Share, Support!"


Summer Solstice: Light a Candle for Greece

Laura Shannon

Folk Dance – Sacred Dance – Circle Dance – Women's Ritual Dances


June 21, 2015

Dear dancing friends,


I bring you greetings from Greece, on this fine summer solstice day. As we can sense the sun hovering at its highest point before the balance tips towards the days of summer shortening towards autumn, we here also perceive, right now, a sense of hovering at an unknown point of change, waiting to learn the outcome of the current Eurogroup talks on the fate of Greece.

In my recent article, Greece: Grandparents on the Table? I share my perspective on a clash of cultures within the current negotiations, and enclose links to several articles which may interest you if you have been following the Greek situation. There is much more to what is happening than what the mainstream press tends to report, and it is always good for intelligent people to look a little bit behind the scenes and decide for themselves.

Finally, at this point on the very cusp of the summer solstice, I invite you to send your good thoughts, prayers and positive energy towards a peaceful and successful resolution of the current impasse between Greece and its creditors. When human efforts appear to have reached their limits, now is the time to ask for help from the angelic and other benevolent non-human realms. I do believe in the power of ritual and prayer, and so I believe that your efforts – perhaps simply to light a candle for peace – will be of great help now, when help is needed.

With love and blessings in the dance,
