Armenian and Greek Dances
with Shakeh Major Tchilingirian and Laura Shannon
Saturday 1. August
8 a.m. PST, 11 a.m. EST, 4 p.m. London, 17:00 Central Europe
Meeting ID: 812 0559 6538
Passcode: dance
It is my great pleasure to offer an open online class with my longtime friend and colleague Shakeh!
The class is in English and lasts 90 minutes, with optional time afterwards for questions and discussion.
Cost: £10 pounds, €12 euros, $14 US dollars, $18 Canadian dollars.
You can send payment via this direct link:
(Please select 'friend or family' rather than 'goods or services'.)
We will open the doors about 15 minutes before we begin.
For more information about Shakeh, please visit her website: