
Mani, GREECE: Dance holiday for women
From Sunday, 28. August 2016
To Sunday, 4. September 2016
Contact Laura Shannon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dagmar Graf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Women's dance holiday with Laura Shannon and live music from Kostantis Kourmadias & Nikolas Angelopoulos in the beautiful organic vegetarian Mani Sonnenlink retreat centre, with plenty of free time to enjoy the lovely mountains and the sea.


Contact: Laura Shannon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dagmar Graf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Participants in Laura’s 2014 seminar at Mani Sonnenlink came from Greece, Austria, Germany, the USA, the UK, Japan, and Brazil.

Here are some of their comments about the workshop:

‘I feel so grateful to have had the experience of dancing with Laura and the other women in the
group. I was amazed at the depth of the connection that forms between women who dance together
these sacred traditional dances. There is so much wisdom in every step, and Laura so gracefully
explains it all, the symbolism in the movements and the metaphors in the music. I feel like I went
on a journey that took me both deep into myself and into the roots of women's community. I'll never
forget this experience.‘
–Shakti Penelope, Greece/USA

‘The seminar in Mani was very special to me because I felt how circle dance can be an expression
of the heart. The steps and music are the backdrop to let our soul free so we will connect with our
best selves. Laura is a practical example of this; watching her dance is already a profound learning
–Telma Volta, Brazil

‘Mani is such a beautiful place, and spending time there dancing with all of you became my
unforgettable treasure.’
–Noriko Iwakura, Japan

‘To dance in this place, in this women’s circle, with women from all over the world and Laura’s
way of teaching, brought me healing energy on many levels. For me it was a seminar full of peace
and beauty. I felt the connection with nature, and experienced many moments of just being, feeling
this inner stillness. Once again I had the experience that these traditional dances are a universal
language, which bring women together in a wordless understanding to discover our power and
beauty. I am grateful that I could be a part of this circle.’
–Monika Klinger, Austria

‘It was a very moving experience to be in this international group. The participants came from
seven different countries and each woman enriched the circle in her own profound way. The ancient
dances, through centuries of repetition, have a magical effect. One only needs to surrender to the
dance to feel its power and healing effects in body and soul, and this is a great gift. I also
appreciated the warmup exercises with which Laura began our morning dancing, so well presented,
in a sensitive and heart-warming way.‘
–Alisée Schmucker, Germany/Greece

‘This seminar in Mani was an intensive and magical experience. Laura’s radiance and the blessing
of live music from Konstantis und Nikolas brought me again and again into a more peaceful and
beautiful world, in which everything is in harmony with nature: a world which the old and wise still
value, where their wisdom is gathered for the benefit of the younger generations. This group was so
healing for me, I felt old wounds close and fresh strength coming into me for something new. The
place itself felt full of spirit, full of power and wonderfully laid out. The staff were so helpful and
loving in every detail, from our arrival onwards, I felt like a baby tucked into bed by a mother!
Thank you for everything!‘
–Bine Conradt, Germany

‘All of you helped me get closer to ancient wisdoms, heal and enrich with delicacy my soul,
and now I’m aligned with my life purpose and SHINING...‘
–Paula Cantao, Brazil

‘I loved the week of dance. The course was a unique experience. The respect that I learned in the
week with this group I was able to put into practice in the following weeks as I travelled through
Greece, and now I do this in my life. I developed a stronger sense of connection and respect for the
dancing ancestors, for all the support they have given us on life’s journey. I felt I was able to
embody this through the dancing. I also enjoyed learning more about the feminine in history. The
group was very important for my understanding and growth, and this community of beautiful
women was very strong. Thank you for all.‘
–Regina Afonso, Brazil
Location Mani, GREECE